Seals for Concrete Pipes
Huge range of geometries for the water tightness in jacking pipes, manholes and other concrete pipes.
We produce gaskets for diameters from 200 to 3000 mm.
All our gaskets are made according to the EN 681-1:1996 standard, type WC and WA.
We use different compounds to comply with the specifications of KTW, ACS and WRAS.
We ensure the tolerances in all our geometries through the ISO 3302-1:2014 standard.
Our products comply with the ISO 2230:2002 standard regarding to storage recommendations.
EN 681-1 WC/WA
• Compound certified for KTW (Germany)
• Compound certified for ACS (France)
• Compound certified for WRAS (U.K.)
ISO 3302-1:2014
ISO 2230:2002
• Compound certified for KTW (Germany)
• Compound certified for ACS (France)
• Compound certified for WRAS (U.K.)
ISO 3302-1:2014
ISO 2230:2002

Tear rolling seal

Harpoon sliding seal

Double Harpoon sliding seal

Delta sliding seal

IS Integrated seal

ISM Integrated seal

MB Seal for concrete manhole

O-Rings for high pressure concrete pipes

E.I. seal for intermediate pressure stations

Block seal for jacking pipes

Igloo seal for jacking pipes